Mon 27 Jan
White, 33, Blonde, Blue Eyes, 6ft, 145lbs, Fit and Tanned: West Little Rock - 33
(Little Rock, West Little Rock)
Hi my name is mercedes if your looking for a great time then im who your looking for - 21
Make $5000 per week with the fastest growing Webcam Community on the Net! ◄ ◄ ◄ - 18
(Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Jonesboro, Little Rock, Work From Home)
🔴🍓🔴🍓🔴 Seductive and Stunning Brunette MODEL TYPE✅💯GENUINE 🔴🍓🔴 38DD - 21 - 21
(Little Rock, Nlr, Mccain)
*NEW NUMBER 4142074690 LateNite🌛DayAlso🌞 Great massageG o r g e o u s¡ªP r o f e s s i o n a l - 24
(Geyer Springs , i30, Little Rock)
💎 Beautiful Thick🍑 BombShell 💣 All You Need Is Me💋💋 - 24
(conway,Russelville, Searcy, cabot, ect, Little Rock)
{ { __V __ E __ G___ A__ S __ } } _____ { { { __ GIRLS__ } }. DO. IT. BETTER - 18
(North Little Rock Incall/outcall)
Upscale Location Transsexual .....Black Friday Special $60, // West LR - 25
(hwy 430 exit Shackleford Rd, Little Rock)
The Hottest ,Wettest ,& Most Satifying U will ever find! -;->-> ;Click Here
(NLR{Private}Pine Bluff Also)
:*: *StUnNiNg :*: *BeAuTiFuL :*: *sO SExY :*: ChEcK mE OuT :*:SaSsYs nEw pIcS sPeCiAls - 33
(where you want to be)
New Girl🎀| #1 Pℓαγmαtε👯| 💯% Rεaℓ✔| αvαiℓabℓε ➜➋➍/➆ ➜; cαℓℓ mε Now☎ -αmbεr👑👸💋 - 20
(Little Rock, Kanis / John Barrow rd. LittleRock)
NO RUSHED Sessions⏳ NO Bait And Switch JUST A Classy👯💄👠👜👗 Sassy Down To Earth B!#CH👯💑 - 23
(Little Rock, Malvern)
!¡ ÇÅL£ ☎Ñ0W!¡ °♥° IN†ØXxiC@†iNg• [ N؆H¡NG L¡K€ †H€ R€S† ]CØM€ PU† M ¥ SK¡LLS 2 TH€ †€S†!! - - 19
(Little Rock)
hot exotic beauty ready to rock your world!!
(Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Jonesboro, Little Rock, hotel room)
{{{...Gitty Up Country Boys..... I Want To Be Your Big BOOTY Cowgirl ..... Last Night N Town ...}}} - 28
(Incall West Little Rock, Little Rock)
Have you been thinking about being with a Beautiful Black Discreet SQUIRTER - 24
*****HELLO***** sexxii blue eyed breath taking brunette ~~~~~~~ HELLO ~~~~~ - 30
(Little Rock, little rock and surrounding areas)
Come play with me!!! Eden wants some company! 100% Real Pix! % Call 501-529-5216 - 29
(Little Rock, Little Rock, NLR, Maumelle)
❤❤❤❤❤❤CASEY ❤❤❤❤LITTLE ROCK ❤❤❤❤ALL WEEKEND !!! ❤❤❤€CCIE & P411 VeRiFieD❤ - 41
🎀💎🎀✘ℴ ✘ℴ █▓█💎 EXOTIC 🎀▂ ▃beautiful ▅ ▆💎 █🎀█💎 ▆ long legs ▃ ▅ ▆ █❤█ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ ❤ Goddess ▓█▓ ✘ℴ ✘ℴ - 25
(Jonesboro, Jonesboro.westMem.Marion.Wynne and surro)
💥💢 Boys play w/ Toys 👅👀💦 MEN PLAY W/ ME! 💥.💢 INCALLS/OUTCALLS 💥💢☎️ - 25 - 25
(Little Rock, Conway/Little Rock)
** OUT With The OLD ** IN With The NEW ** Blonde Bombshell ** UP ALL Night* Come Get IT - 20
(Little Rock)
:*: *StUnNiNg :*: *CuRvY :*: HoT NeW PiCs :*: 100/hr :*: LiMiTeD ApPoIntMents - 33
(where all your dreams come true)
♡♡♥♥¡¡SLim SeXI SWeeT ♡♡♥⭐💋 ChOcOlAtE BoℳBShεLL 💋⭐LITTLE RocK iN CALls⭐💋 - 22
(Little Rock, little rock & hot springs)
♂ REAL OVERSEAS PEICE ♂ Always Discreet, I`m the freakest FREAK Available ALL WEEK - 21
(Little Rock, Hot Springs*Benton*Bryant,*LR* Conway)
P.a.w.g* Sexy* Curvy* Super Freak* Come play with Zoe tonight* Get what you deserve* - 28
(Little Rock)
Sun 12 Jan
*::*::* FoRget The ReSt & GeT WiiTh tHe BeSt ... I aM tHe REaL dEaL .... No GaMeS No Lies*::*::* - 20
(Little Rock, littlerock west markham)
Sat 11 Jan
A Hot🔥Body and Im Very😈Naughty! Im💋 Real & Ready to Have Fun! Im Up Right Now Baby!!💋🍒 - 23
(Little Rock, Little rock in or out)
★ *-:¦:-* ★ CoMe AnD! fINd OuT★ *-:¦:-* ★ THICK & $xx¥ ((80)) - 26
(Little Rock, IN/OUT NLR ((80)))
**CH0C0LAtE BEAUtY iS WAt U CRAVE** Special Goin Crazy * iM UR GiRL - 20
(Little Rock, Lr, Surrounding areas)
Fri 10 Jan
Sexy Chenille💋HOT SPRINGS IM BACK AND READY 2 Play! 😘 I'll Be Waiting 50$ incall special7024985711 - 24
(Hot springs incall, Little Rock)