Mon 27 Jan
*¨¨* SATiSFACTiON *¨¨*iS*¨¨* MY *¨¨* BEST *¨¨* QUALiTY! *¨¨*.sexy purto rican in flesh! - 21
💖Real pix Or frEE💙Long LEGGS 💚BLondE 💕BLue eYeZ 💙BIg 💚38DD boobieS💕💕TopNotch💖 Avail NoW💖 - 26
(Little Rock)
NLR Incalls & LR,Hot Springs,HSV,Conway outcalls&Pretty;,Short, Clean, Juicy, Flat Stomach. - 24
(Little Rock, Nlr Incalls/ Will Travel)
❤MO Skilled❤CuPcake❤Betta⭐No Fakes Here❤ - 22
(Little Rock, will travel if $ right etc..small towns)
Must see ! Hot new pic's 5O1~538 ~0913 super sexy blonde ! *^_^* - 25
(Little Rock, hot springs , little rock)
💓💋Love a skeeter? AVAILABLE NOW!!! 👅Come See Me SKeeT💦💦562-548-3012 - 26
(Little Rock, N.little rock)
***MaKe ThE fiR$t WeEkEnD oF **2013** oNe To ReMeMbEr*** - 28 - 20
(Little Rock, little rock, ar../west little rock)
💞Let Me Take You Somewhere You've Never Been Before 💞 - 20
(Little Rock, In my bedroom put.n on sum thing sexy:))
(Leaving Soon) N◎A● u○g ◎h●t○Y ⭐ ADDICTIVE ★ Italian ⭐ brunette ⭐S●P○E◎C●I○A◎L●S - 27
(Little Rock, LR,CWY,HS,all surr/WILL TRAVEL)
Last day in Hot Springs **120hhr/200hr** Reviewed - 36
(Hot Springs, Hot Springs / Hot Springs Village, Little Rock)
Freaky Friday Tounge Ring Specials : Luscious AppleBottom Slutry Vixxen (Spank ME) I Love What I Do! - 24
(Little Rock, incalls/outcalls allover)
I Missed My Flight Guess That Means I Can Play For Another Day Yeah!! Freak Specials All Night!! - 26
(Little Rock, N.L.R., W.L.R., Conway, Jax, Sherwood)
HOT! HOT! HOT! 💖 Ultimate Girl Next Door 💖 Blonde Bombshell (Early Bird SPECIALS) - 25 - 25
(Fayetteville, NWA)
Brand New in Town💋 UPSCALE 👑⭐🏆Reviewed🏆⭐👑💋💋💋💗 Great from my Lips💋 To my finger Tips 🙌 - 23
(Incall/Outcall/Jacksonville/Little Rock, Little Rock)
AvAiLaBLe in PINE BLUFF All DaY, NiGhT & EaRlY MoRn In/Out CaLL!!!!! - 38
(Little Rock, MY PLACE OR YOURS!!!!)
((( █ ▓ ~$70~DISCRETE *!* UNRUSHED *!* AMAZING! █ ▓)))- AVAIL NOW!! - 24
_____ B _______ E ________ A ________ U ________ T _______ I ________ F ________ U ________ L _____ - 18
(North Little Rock incall/outcall)
$75 *¨¨*-:¦:-* __G __ r__ E__ a__ T _ * __ S __ p__ E__ c__ i__ a__ L__ S __ *¨¨*-:¦:- *$75 - 25
(Westside Little Rock Incalls)
ღ 3038034127 ღ——▓► } —♥★•🍓🍓ℱℒ∀ᏔℒƐᎦᎦ •★• ☆ °▄▄ ⓢⓟⓔⓒⓘⓐⓛⓢ ♥ αvαiℓabℓε ➜➋➍/➆ ➜ ★№➊ ♥ S£x¥ ★LaTiN D0LLೋ - 21
(Little Rock, North littlerock /McCain mall incall/out)
LADY of SeDuctiOn Exceeding Expectation !HOtTeSt NICE LADY WORLD Class Fun YOUR Place - 24
(Little Rock, 🎌㊙️ YOUR PLACE NICE LADY)
#1 CHoiCE EBoNY/Latina With PhAT BooTy ★PuRE FrEAK CrAzY CuRvEs & AmAziNGy SkilLLs New PiCs - 22
(Little Rock, West Little Rock/North Little Rock)
Attention Guys::: Your PersonaL Discreet Sluty Caramel Treat For the Upscale White GentleMan!! - 23
(all areas)
💦💦 A Upscale, Mature, Classy!! A lady in tha streets, and a freak in tha sheets!! 💦💦 - 28
(Little Rock, wlr)
#1 Pℓαγmαtε ❤❤ ★☆★LET ME °🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶°— ROCK — 🎸🎸🎸— YOUR WORLD — °🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶 ❤❤❤ ★☆★ - 28 - 28
(Little Rock, North Little Rock)
------$100 Specials----3 hott chocolate vixens that luv a nice drink---- - 21
(Little Rock/Hot Springs)
⭐100%⭐ Real💋 Naughty 👅Girl🍭💄💅Sultry👠Foreign 💋German👑 Beauty!!🌹VidEo PrOoF📹Body🎊 Party! - 23
(Little Rock, LR incall & outcall to HS,LR,NLR)
§ana Bab¥!!..★ [iF §H§ GOoD . . iM BR] ★I'm ¥our Lil' ..Naugh¥..Sx¥ ..Pla¥MaT! - 21
(Central Arkansas)
☆ __Aa❤ mM_✫ _A Zz__❤ _I _nN ✫_GG!! ✫_ ❤ -:¦:- *GFE* - 23
(Keepin' YOU Dreamin' In*Central,Arkansas)